Your Community Health and Wellness Clinic
The Community Capital Campaign – Deschutes Rim Clinic Foundation
The Deschutes Rim Clinic Foundation has successfully completed its capital campaign for construction of a new health clinic in Maupin, OR, raising over $145,000 from individuals and businesses. Construction of the new Deschutes Rim Health Clinic was completed in the fall of 2022 and opened for business in mid-October. The new clinic was built completely from grants, a conventional loan, and community donations; no tax dollars were used. The expanded and modernized health care clinic for South Wasco County and neighboring areas will improve healthcare access and delivery and allow for expanded services and access.
The co-location of the old and new clinics provides an opportunity to develop a ‘health care campus’ that would provide more holistic health care services. To support development of this ‘campus’ the Foundation will continue its community campaign. Funds will be used to repair, upgrade and remodel the old clinic to accommodate multipurpose usage. Funds will also be used to expand the security system and purchase fitness equipment and other medical equipment.
In 2016 South Wasco County was identified as an “Area of Unmet Health Care Needs in Rural Oregon” by the Oregon Office of Rural Health. This service area is also federally recognized as having a shortage of health care providers and as lacking the resources to meet resident medical needs. The new clinic and campus will help meet those health care needs in rural South Wasco County to improve individual and population health.
The original Deschutes Rim Health Clinic opened for business in Maupin in September 2007 after the establishment of the White River Health District (a taxing district) in 2001, which is run by a 5-member Board of Directors. The original clinic was the first to provide medical and behavioral health services in this remote and rural area to residents and visitors alike.